Monday 5 March 2012

Starting to pop......

Good progress over the weekend...... some more vocal recording done (there are *lots* of voices on this next album), and finished a track called Today is only Yesterday's Tomorrow.

This is an old Osiris 87 song, dusted-off and remade (we've done this with a couple of songs on each album so far). This one seemed to be an excuse to indulge the Kraftwerk influence, so it's turned out as a 70s/80s electropop - and we've snuck in eight (count them) references to classic electronic tracks from that period. We *may* have a small competition (aimed at fellow music nerds) when we put this out. Not sure yet whether this will be an album track or a bonus track of some sort - we already know that we have too much material to fit it all on the album, so we shall see.

On the live front, we're auditioning someone to join the live band this week - we'll let you know how that turns out. We also have a local gig confirmed in Bicester on Thursday 14th June - more details nearer the time.

Onwards and inwards